- 20 NOV '16 

Join us for an introductory session where we will guide you through floral types and care, the importance of conditioning, optimising flowers for arrangements, understanding and using floral foam, and floral wiring techniques, used by industry professtionals.

- 22 NOV '16 TUESDAY

Wedding Car Design and Decor

Car decoration is equal parts style and technique - having to create an arrangement that can withstand the elements and stay in place while on the road. We will be working indoors to design with floral foam and installing outdoors on an actual vehicle.

Ceiling Installation

Hanging floral arrangements are taking the wedding world by storm. Ethereal flowers and foliage ‘dripping’ from the ceiling creates a wonderland of enchantment and awe. But how are they made? This class walks through a step-by-step process to the perfect hanging arrangement. As a group we will construct hanging installations that showcase the techniques, time commitments required of such arrangements. Participants will be work in small groups.


Table Arrangement

In this session, we will learn an adaptive arrangement technique for a variety of vessels be they traditional vases or interesting compotes. Each arrangement can be used singly, or put together for an engaging and extravagant running decor.

Site Design and Installation

Installations tailored specifically to an event type for a venue is a dramatic and unique way to introduce florals and foliage in your venue decor. During this session, participants will be tasked to execute a brief based on a specific area of the venue, and instructions will be present to guide you from start to finish. 

Terms and Conditions

  • We will email you a reminder about 3 days before your class to confirm. 
  • Your space is not confirmed until full payment is received. 
  • Refunds are not available so please assign a friend to take your place if you are unavailable to attend the class.
  • We have class minimums and in the instance we do not meet them, a full refund will be made. 
  • Should a class need to be cancelled for any reason, we may do so at any time before the class is scheduled to begin. You will receive a full refund. 
  • By accepting a place at Floral Boot Camp you agree that we are not responsible for any theft or injury that may occur at our premises or in our classes.